Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Economic Blackout—Just Use It!


Economic Blackout—Just Use It!

by C.A. Matthews

There’s something everyone can do this week to make the world a better place that’s as simple as doing absolutely nothing.

I’m not kidding. It’s that easy. Everyone can stop spending money all at the same time. Withholding our money even for twenty-four hours can make a strong point to the powers that be.

How do we coordinate such an action? Here’s how: There’s a planned “economic blackout” scheduled for this Friday, February 28, that you can join. (See meme for details.)

“But...but…” I hear some of the whiners objecting to the sheer simplicity of everyone not supporting Amazon, Walmart, Target and the like for a day. “Surely we must do something big and difficult to catch the oligarchs/billionaires’ attention, to let them know that we don’t care for what Mr. Musk is doing, that we want them to stop spending our tax dollars on wars and genocide. How can depriving mega-corporations of a few sales for one day get our message across?”

You’d be surprised how sales being cut back by even a few percentage points can catch a capitalist’s eye and make them worry...


To learn more about how you can give the billionaires/oligarchs cause for worry, please continue reading the rest of this article by copying or clicking on this Substack link: 


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In Memory…

Protest comes in many forms. Rest In Power, Aaron Bushnell!

February 25, 2024

This article is the 508th blog posting of The Revolution Continues. We began in June 2015, and we're still going strong. Please keep reading, sharing, and subscribing to help TRC continue for another ten years.

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