Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Moving Mountains


Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. —Jesus of Nazareth, Matthew 17:20

Moving Mountains

by C. A. Matthews

“How do we do this? How do we make things right?” a friend earnestly asked me the other day.

I had just bombarded her with facts about what’s actually happening in Palestine and Lebanon. I told her the latest death toll estimate in Gaza—approximately 200,000+—and emphasized that it was probably on the low side since so many are still missing under the rubble and so many have been shredded by bombs into unrecognizable bits. I could tell that she was distressed at the news, but I told it to her anyway. I felt like she really needed to know.

After I got home, I regretted overwhelming my friend with so much information at once. She probably hadn’t been following the genocide in Gaza over the past year as closely as I had. She probably gets her information from mainstream media sources, not independent journalists like I do.

Hearing too much bad news at once can be quite a shock to the system. I owe her a big apology. I’ll try to make it up to her somehow, but how? I can’t change the statistics or the stories of whole families being wiped out in Gaza, the West Bank and now Lebanon, can I?

How do we make things right?

This haunting question echoes in my mind...


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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Connect The Dots…


So much suffering that never should have happened all because Palestinians were never given equal rights and were dehumanized. Wars for oil during a climate crisis. --White Rabbit 2587 on X

Connect The Dots… or Wars For Oil During A Climate Crisis

by C.A. Matthews 

227 Dead from Hurricane Helene (109 in North Carolina alone)

118,908+ Palestinians dead in the Genocide of Gaza by Israeli Forces (5.4% of the total population, estimated by 99 US doctors who have been to Gaza in the past year. Other estimates are over 200,000+ dead.)

2000+ Lebanese dead by Israeli Forces

$725 promised to Hurricane Helene victims by FEMA

$20 billion+ promised to Israel to continue its bombing campaigns of Gaza, West Bank, and Lebanon 

2024 will probably be the “Hottest Year on Record” beating 2023, the current record holder.

The list of top ten countries with the most petroleum reserves:

1. Venezuela 2. Saudi Arabia 3. Iran 4. Canada 5. Iraq 6. United Arab Emirates 7. Kuwait 8. Russia 9. United States 10. Libya

The list of countries that US and/or NATO-align countries have had or are currently picking a fight with in order to gain control of petroleum reserves: Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen

122 trillion cubic foot of natural gas along with an estimated at 1.7 billion barrels of oil are located off the coast of Gaza. This resource legally belongs to the Palestinian people, not Israel.

The US Military is one of the biggest polluters in the world with a huge carbon footprint. In 2017, the US military used 269,230 barrels of oil a day and emitted more than 25,000 kilotons of carbon dioxide by burning those fuels.

What have these seemingly random facts or “listicles” got to do with each other? Read them again and see if you can’t connect the dots.

Can you guess what was behind the strength and destruction of Hurricane Helene (and as of this writing, Hurricane Milton)? What if I told you that the Gulf of Mexico is super hot this year, hotter than it’s ever been in recorded history. The heat of the gulf’s water fueled Helene’s strength, causing it (and now Milton’s strength) to jump from a Category 1 to a Category 4 hurricane in less than a day. The rapidly heating Earth will continue to increase the flooding, tornadoes, and assorted storm damage.

The climate crisis—or more accurately the climate catastrophe—is doing more than making your air conditioner work overtime. It’s causing droughts, floods, and killer storms like Hurricane Helene. The burning of fossil fuels is making things worse by adding to the “greenhouse gas effect” that is heating up our planet. Humanity needs to kick the oil habit—and fast—if we want to even begin to turn things around and save our children’s futures.

Now do some more connect-the-dots...


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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Liar, Liar! World’s On Fire!


Liar, Liar! World’s On Fire!

by C.A. Matthews

Which of the following scenarios do you think is fiction?

Scenario 1: A man walks into his boss’s office and confesses that he’s been embezzling from the company for over a decade. He also confesses to having an affair with the boss’s wife and that they’re planning on running away together soon with the ill-gotten gains.

The boss replies to the man, “That’s all right, Charlie. I realize now how I underpaid you, and you needed that extra money. And I’m glad you helped put a smile on my wife’s face. She’s been unhappy for far too long. Have a great trip!”

Scenario 2: The US Secretary of State knowingly lies to Congress about Israel blocking food and medicine from reaching famine victims in Gaza in direct violation of a law that says the US cannot continue to provide arms to any country that blocks US humanitarian aid.

Blinken told Congress, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting” aid, even though the U.S. Agency for International Development and others had determined that Israel had broken the law. --Brett Murphy, Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony Blinken Rejected Them

So, think hard… which scenario is fiction and which one is fact? Which scenario seems more likely? Having a friendly boss who understands why you did what you did in order to be happy, or watching a highly-placed government official lie to Congress about US aid getting into Gaza in order for the Biden administration to continue peddling 2,000 pound bombs to the genocidal maniacs of Israel?

The second scenario has to be fiction, right? I mean, who would believe a US Secretary of State would misrepresent the facts of humanitarian aid not getting to famine victims to Congress? To deny food and medicine to all those innocents suffering in a zone that’s been reduced to rubble is…is… Well, it’s just plain evil. What sort of individual would lie like that?

To find out...


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