Sunday, April 28, 2019

Biden: My Time?

Another Earth Day has come and gone, but here we are in the US way behind the rest of the world on generating power from the sun and wind. Why do we seem to be in a permanent state of denial?

More denial: Bernie  Sanders is leading in the polls--he's even popular among Republicans as the following video shows. If this is the case, why is the DNC trying to throw a wrench in the works? Coast Watcher gives his insights on  the real reasons behind Joe Biden's stepping into the race.

Biden: My Time?
by Coast Watcher

On Thursday April 25 former Vice President Joe Biden finally came out and announced his candidacy for president. In many ways this was expected. His fan base in the so-called Democratic Party has long agitated for him to step up to the plate. They admire Biden "warts and all"—and my, doesn’t he have some warts!

Biden’s record is a long and shameful one for someone who supposedly espouses democratic values. Right-winger Biden has never met a war he didn’t like. He has voted for all American military interventions since beginning his Washington DC career as senator for Delaware in 1972. He was instrumental in helping draw up the iniquitous Patriot Act that followed 9/11. 

He readily accepts donations from Big Business. After stating that he would not accept corporate cash donations, Biden’s first fund raising event in Philadelphia was held at the private home of David Cohen, a Comcast executive known for cutting big checks for the Republican Party. Could the connection between the two faces of the Establishment be any clearer? Also present was Steven Cozen, founder and chairman of the union-busting law firm Cozen O’Connor, an obvious indicator of Biden’s contempt for the average worker. (It only matches his outspoken contempt for the Millennial generation.) One wonders why organized labor is so ready to leap on the Biden bandwagon. 

Incidentally, this cozy little event was a $2,800 a plate meal—hardly chump change for the average American. All this, and we haven’t even begun to list Biden’s history of sexual harassment of women of all ages!

In 1974 Biden went on record as saying he thought Roe vs. Wade "went too far. I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body." During Bill Clinton’s administration Biden supported and voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which did immense harm to the cause of LGBTQ+ rights. Twenty eight years ago, as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden presided over the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas, George Bush Sr.’s nominee to the Supreme Court. During the hearings, black law professor Anita Hill accused Thomas of sexual harassment. In response Biden and the all-white male committee virtually crucified Hill, subjecting her to an extremely embarrassing and detailed examination which reeked of racism and sexual bigotry.

On the same day Biden announced his candidacy, in an obvious attempt to head off trouble before it starts, he issued an apology in a telephone call to Professor Hill. She rejected it, saying in a statement: "I cannot be satisfied by (Biden) simply saying, 'I’m sorry for what happened to you.'" There’s absolutely no evidence that Biden is genuinely contrite for his behavior toward Hill and all other women who have said he has harassed them, either during, before or after this troubling behavior.

His supporters tout Joe Biden as running for the presidency in order to defeat Trump. Not so. For all intents and purposes, his sole purpose in standing for election as president in 2020 is to defeat Bernie Sanders, who has consistently led all other candidates in the polls, much as he did during the 2016 campaign. 

Sanders once more is faced with getting the shaft from the so-called "Democratic" Party. Their corporate handlers (Wall Street banksters and the military-industrialists) want anyone but a popular progressive candidate as president. These moneyed elitists don't want time and energy wasted on improving the quality of life for the vast majority of Americans. Who cares about a free college education or Medicare For All when you're a billionaire? Bernie Sanders and his kind are not wanted and need to be eliminated before more voters wake up to how rigged the voting process truly is.

Claims from the Sanders’ camp that the DNC has reformed and reduced the powers of super delegates are far from reassuring. If Biden wins the nomination (and after the example shown by the nomination of Clinton during the scandalous Democratic convention of 2016, it’s pretty much a given), then once again American voters in 2020 will be facing an identical slate from the the two major parties. Their choice essentially will be between voting for one serial woman groper over another. 

Trump or Biden--it’ll be business as usual and with virtually the same policies. The United States will continue to ignore the needs of its poorer citizens. Infrastructure will continue to crumble. The US will still meddle in the affairs of foreign countries with bombings and drone strikes across the Middle East and Africa, murdering thousands of innocents yearly. The only real difference would be that we'd have replaced the current clownish incumbent in the White House with "Uncle Joe," a smooth-talking, experienced politician eager to please his wealthy donors. That's a vast improvement, right?

Related articles and video:

BIO: Coast Watcher isn't too optimistic that the DNC has learned its lesson from the 2016 election. He advises that you share this piece with every voter you know and keep them awake until Election Day 2020. 

From Progress America

Donald Trump isn’t shy about his disdain for the press. All he wants is for our independent media to turn into a GOP-aligned propaganda network, like Fox News. When that doesn’t happen, he calls the media the “Enemy of the People.”
The Trump Administration’s abuse of the press goes further than words--right now, reporters investigating the family separation crisis are being harassed in pursuit of the truth. 

We rely on journalists to tell the truth about what’s going on in the country. The House Oversight Committee must take action to ensure that the press can operate free of harassment by the Trump Administration.

ADD YOUR NAME: Congress must hold the Trump administration accountable for these unconstitutional actions to suppress press freedom!

From Trump’s decades of tax fraud, to the family separation crisis, to Russian interference in the election, to his cabinet’s many scandals/crimes, it’s no surprise that Trump doesn’t like the press.

But the solution isn’t trampling on the constitution--it’s respecting the elected office he holds in the first place!

ADD YOUR NAME: Congress must hold the Trump administration accountable for these unconstitutional actions to suppress press freedom!

Thank you,

Mike Phelan
Progress America
From Move to Amend:

May 28th is going to be a BIG DAY for democracy as Move to Amend supporters will take to Congressional offices across the country and tell them now is the time to support the We the People Amendment to end corporate rule.

And the best part is, YOU CAN JOIN US!
Here is all that's needed:

  • You, and some friends, or your community group if you already belong to one -- organize a demostration/press conference at the nearest office of your member of Congress.
>> Click here to find your Representative if you don't know or if you're not familiar with where their offices are (click their name to go to their website and check their office locations, depending on the size of your district there might be a couple).

  • Invite 3-5 community organizations to speak at your demonstration about how the issues they work on connect with corporate rule and how ending corporate constitutional rights will help "Free the People" they work to protect.
>> Ask the groups to pass a resolution of support in advance that you can bring into the meeting with your Congressperson (MTA National will provide a template)

  • Schedule a meeting with your Congressperson or their staff (Reps should be back home in their District the week of May 28) to happen right after your demonstration/press conference.
>> Plan to go into the meeting with 4-5 other folks from the event and together request they co-sponsor the We the People Amendment (HJR48).

  • Share what happened to reach more people!
>> MTA National will provide a template press release and tips for taking photos and recording the event to help spread the word on social media to folks who were not in attendance.

Sign up to Free the People and let us know you want to organize an action for May 28 in your community.

Amending the Constitution to end corporate rule and big money in politics requires a massive democracy movement. We’ve been building this movement for 10 years -- with thousands of endorsements and 800 communities that have passed resolutions and ballot measures, this year is the year we ask every member of Congress, which side are they on? We the People? Or Corporate Rule?

Help us demand answers and #FreeThePeople!
Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
Move to Amend National Director

P.S.: Organize an action with your friends and #FreeThePeople this May 28 with Move to Amend.

From Friends of the Earth:
Good news! It’s being reported that Trump’s Department of the Interior has decided to table its efforts to hand over nearly all of our oceans to Big Oil.

This is a huge victory for our marine wildlife, coastal communities across the country, and climate. And it happened in part thanks to massive public opposition to the plan from people like you.

But Interior Secretary Bernhardt is already floating the idea of reviving the plan after the 2020 election. So we need you to urge the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management -- the agency responsible for this plan -- to scrap it for good!

Trump and Bernhardt were forced to walk back the plan after coming under pressure from even Republican elected officials in coastal states. The governors of Florida and South Carolina listened to their constituents and came out against it due to the devastating impact it could have on their states’ beaches and tourism-driven economies.

After all, new drilling would threaten fishing, tourism, and the livelihoods of millions of Americans in coastal communities. The only benefits would go to Big Oil executives.

Every day we delay the plan is another day that our marine life and coastal communities are protected. So we need your help to keep the pressure on.

Trump tried to put Big Oil’s profits ahead of the people who live in coastal communities nationwide. Many of these communities depend on fishing and tourism for a healthy economy. 

What’s worse, Trump was doing this to help his friends in the oil industry. He even picked an Interior Secretary to lead the effort -- David Bernhardt -- who is a former fossil fuel industry lobbyist.

Our ocean ecosystems and coastal communities are more important than Big Oil’s profits. Public pressure is working to delay and stop Trump from causing the next ecological disaster in our oceans. We’re so close to a major victory for our environment -- but we can’t let up the pressure now.

Standing with you,
Hallie Templeton,
Senior oceans campaigner,
Friends of the Earth

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