Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Congress Of Criminals


A Congress of Criminals

by C.A. Matthews


  • A gaggle of geese.

  • A dazzle of zebras.

  • A parliament of owls.

  • A bloat of hippos.

  • A tower of giraffes.

  • A skulk of foxes.

  • A confusion of wildebeests.

  • A conspiracy of lemurs.

  • A destruction of (feral) wild cats.

A Congress of criminals. War criminals, that is.

You might think I made up these collective groups' terms, but I didn’t. Well, maybe that last one I did. The closest I could come to a name for a grouping of criminals was “a cowardice of curs.” It definitely needs updating.

I dare you to tell me who has acted more criminal than the members of the Congress of the United States of America recently. They invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, a leader with an arrest warrant for genocide on his head, to come and speak before them. They actually wanted to listen to a war criminal gloat about the mass murders of Palestinians by the IOF and how they plan to use the land they’ve stolen once they’ve removed all the rubble and dead bodies from it.

Why is Congress such a bunch of bloodthirsty ghouls? Why did they find Netanyahu, this terrible excuse of a human being, an acceptable guest? Did they take a good long look in a collective mirror and see themselves?

Well, it takes one to know one. Like attracts like. [Insert your favorite aphorism here to compare the criminal and cooperative actions of Biden and Congress to Netanyahu’s genocidal government.]

In case you’ve been following mainstream media and haven’t heard, Benjamin Netanyahu has been charged with the following crimes by the International Criminal Court (ICC)...


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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Priorities, People! Priorities!


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." —Voltaire

Priorities, People! Priorities!

by C.A. Matthews

Everyone probably has had a teacher, professor, coach, boss, or parent who has shouted, “Priorities, people! Priorities!” whenever you seemed to lose focus or got distracted by something not as important as you thought it was.

I can still hear my 9th grade Algebra teacher repeatedly telling us to do our assignments first or we wouldn’t be able to pass the chapter test.

“Did you do the even numbered exercises last night? he’d challenge us. “You want to pass the test and pass this class, don’t you? Priorities, people! Priorities!”

Of course, not everyone did their homework. Not everyone passed the test or passed the class. They got distracted by something more fun than working math problems. In my era, that meant watching too much TV or listening to your latest rock LPs for hours on end instead of doing your homework. And the results of their distraction showed—in their grades then, and possibly in their lives later on because of the type of jobs they were able to get without passing Algebra. Not the good paying kind.

Becoming distracted from what is really important can lead to serious consequences. “What happened?” these distracted folks whine in confusion. They’ll blame everyone but themselves for making poor decisions by following a false priority down a dead end path.

I want to help you focus on what should be your top priorities, not because I enjoy scolding people, but because I hate seeing people suffer later, angry, because no one warned them from wandering far from what really matters.


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy


The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (Is No Democracy At All)

by C.A. Matthews


I believe most Americans understand that the United States is not a democracy or even qualifies as a representative democracy. The US is, in fact, an oligarchy, which means politicians work for their big money donors and not for the people.

The Princeton Study proved that no matter how hard average voters try to influence their elected representatives—try to make them vote for or sponsor a bill that would benefit ordinary people and not billionaires—the result will be the same. Whatever corporations and the super rich folks who own them want, they’ll get. To put it plainly, “Screw the needs of ordinary Americans!”

I came across an example this week that illustrates the American oligarchy in action. I will make a few suggestions on how we can fight back against their tactics, but feel free to come up with some actions of your own. Please write them in the comments below because sharing knowledge is power. Thank you.

From a recent Jill Stein for President campaign email:

On Thursday June 27th, the FEC [Federal Elections Commission] informed us that our campaign had qualified for primary matching funds. Then minutes later, FEC told us the Treasury department will withhold our payments to give priority to general election funding–just in case the Democratic and Republican candidates decide they want it.

Let me explain why that’s so outrageous...


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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Fight


 The Fight

by C.A. Matthews


Nowadays there are so many things coming at us all at once—climate disasters, political disasters, personal disasters—that it sometimes becomes so overwhelming that all you want to do is shout, “ENOUGH ALREADY! LEAVE ME ALONE!”

Only once you’re free from the stress will you be able to walk away from everything with your fingers in your ears and your eyes closed as you curl up with your favorite blanket in a corner of your bed like you did when you were three years old and then forget that the world even exists.

Too bad the world never forgets about you.

The world has a way of finding us no matter how much we try to hide from it, like it or not. It won’t leave us alone if we have half a brain cell or even a tiny gram of integrity. It will call to us and plead with us to take part in its happenings. It will call to us saying, “Help me get rid it of these evil and immoral elements and replace them with just and moral ones.”

And we’ll feel obligated to do so, until it all becomes too much for us again. Then we’ll curl up in a fetal position and sob, “Enough! Please?”

I’ve been hovering over the “Enough!” cliff edge for quite some time now, so I really appreciated reading Caitlin Johnstone’s latest poem. Here it is in case you haven’t read it yet...


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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Celebrate The Win


Celebrate The Win

by C.A. Matthews

Julian Assange’s release from Belmarsh Prison was all anyone could talk about online for days this past week. It was definitely good news worth sharing, no doubt about it. Seeing the video of him hugging his father and his wife at the airport after his plane at long last landed in Australia brought tears to my eyes. An evil and corrupt system had keep Julian and his family unnecessarily apart for years. They deserved to be happily reunited.

But then the complaints on various social media platforms started flooding in.

“Why did Assange accept this ass-backwards plea deal? Why didn’t he insist on a full pardon? He should have gone to trial and fought the bastards and demanded reparations for time and income lost while they unlawfully locked him up. He didn’t do anything wrong, and they tortured him by placing him in solitary confinement. He was simply practicing journalism.”

My answer to those complaints are, “Yes, Assange didn’t do anything wrong, and he deserves recompense. So does his family. But the bastards who did this—and still do this to many others unlawfully detained—weren’t about to let him go and say, “We’re sorry. Here’s a few million bucks to make up for all the torture and smearing of your good name.”

Remember these bastards are in possession of nuclear weapons and professional hit men called CIA agents. They waterboarded people and locked them up without trial (and still do) at Guantanamo Bay. They regularly overturn elected leaders in countries worldwide. (They probably attempted—and failed—to overturn the leadership of Bolivia this past week.) What makes you think they wouldn’t squash an individual, no matter how famous or iconic as Julian Assange, like an ant to get what they want out of him or in order to cast a chilling shadow upon journalism and freedom of the press?


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